When we look back on our time with Emma we don't focus on the medical equipment, the seizures, the medications, or the feedings. We remember all the memories we made with her. We were determined to give Emma as normal of a life as possible and tried to do as much with her as we could. From trips to the zoo, baseball games, days at the beach, apple picking, going to the top of the Empire State Building, and having tea at the Plaza with Eloise, we have so many things to choose from and numerous pictures to remind us of the good moments.
Emma’s Fund for Families is established to enable families to have memory making opportunities in honor of Emma. The purpose of the fund is to allow affected families to apply for grants to use towards enrichment activities. It can be used any way a family feels would be beneficial for creating their memories, such as trips to the zoo, photo shoots, tickets to an event, an overnight in a hotel with a pool, etc. Anything that your family feels would provide a break from the routine and some fun times with your child is eligible. We hope all families have the opportunity to make amazing memories.
To apply for grant, please download and fill out the form document here (82 KB) .
Please select your donation preference:
Donations by Mail or Phone:
(617) 277-4463
Checks payable to NTSAD
2001 Beacon Street, Suite 204
Boston, MA 02135
To set up annual recurring donations, please contact us at (617) 277-4463.
Download an application here.
Emma with Daddy at a Mets game |
Resting on the beach |
Emma at Frozen on Ice |
Apple Picking |
Relaxing poolside |