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Tay-Sachs, Canavan, GM1 and Sandhoff diseases

Helping Hand Grant Program

The Helping Hand Grant Program provides grants to families and individuals in-need to attend the Annual Family Conference. There are two ways to receive a grant:

1. Earn one free conference registration by selling $500 worth of raffle tickets for an adult registration (50 books), and $250 worth of raffle tickets for a children’s registration (25 books) by April 30, 2020.  Please note on the registration form if you are selling raffle tickets.

The Helping Hand Grant Program supports families through research, education, support, and connection at the Annual Family Conference. Buy a book (or books) of raffles to help support families’ conference experience and get the chance to win a cash prize of $1,000, $500 or $250! Please note the family who should receive credit for your purchase.

Ticket sales are only available online, using this link, here. If you’d like to print a note card to give out to let friends and family know where to purchase raffle tickets you can do so here. NTSAD 2020 Helping Hand Raffle.

2. The online Helping Hand Grant application will open in January of 2020, and you will be able to apply for conference attendance assistance (here with a link coming soon).  Only newly diagnosed and newly bereaved families will be considered for a grant after March 1, 2020. Apply early! Funds are limited!  If additional funds are available, grants will be considered through the end of April.

Our goal is to help as many families as possible. Please only request what is needed to make your attendance possible so we can help as many families as possible. Note: Travel is not covered.

Grant funds are only available  to cover conference registration and standard hotel rooms at the group rate $139/night (totaling $160/night with tax) during the conference; they may not be used for additional nights at the hotel or upgraded rooms. Travel will not be covered in 2020 due to the anticipated increase in requests this year. All Helping Hand Grant recipients are asked to fully participate in conference sessions.

Helping Hand Grant FAQs

Please keep in mind the following criteria:

ALL families are eligible to receive a Helping Hand Grant based on the limited availability of funds. 

What are the application funding limits?  Each application is reviewed by the Helping Hand Committee and each award is granted individually, but in general the guidelines for awards are as follows:

Newly diagnosed families/individuals attending for their first time:
$1200 Family/$600 Individual

Newly bereaved families attending for the first time:

Families/individuals who have attended the last few years:
$1000 Family/$500 Individual

Families/individuals who have received grants before:
$800 Family/$400 Individual

The following priorities are taken into consideration with each application, in the following order:

1) Limited to immediate family members and/or primary caregivers of the affected only.

2) Newly diagnosed families and individuals that have connected with NTSAD since the last Conference;

3) Families and individuals who are newly bereaved and grieving within the past year;

4) Families and individuals who have not previously attended an annual conference;

5) Families and individuals who actively raise funds for the Helping Hand Grant and NTSAD programs;

6) Families and individuals who are actively engaged as NTSAD community members.

7) Families and individuals that have received a grant for three years in a row will not be eligible for a grant the following year unless they become newly bereaved that year.
