Leading the worldwide fight to treat and cure
Tay-Sachs, Canavan, GM1 and Sandhoff diseases

Positioning Equipment

Positioning Equipment for
Tay-Sachs, Sandhoff, GM1, Canavan and related diseases


Tumble Forms

Tumble Forms provide soft foam positioning support in a variety of options from carrier and feeder seats to wedges and bolster rolls. Feeder seats can be used for feeding as well as resting. Wedges are used to promote trunk control, head raising and arm and hand movement. Discuss your child's current and future positioning needs with a physical, speech or occupational therapist.  


A stander is an adjustable standing aid that promotes correct alignment of the trunk and lower extremities. Prolonged immobility can cause skin breakdown, discomfort and tight joints and muscles.

A stander can alleviate these issues but are not right for all children. Discuss if a stander is right for your child with your physical therapist. 




Hospital bed

Hospital beds are sometimes used in the home to promote the comfort and well-being of your child and for the convenience and safety of you and other caregivers. Common features include adjustable head and feet, adjustable bed height, side rails, washable mattress and easy to move. 


Specialized Stroller

Specialized strollers are like regular children's strollers, but provide more support options and larger weight limits. Your child's physical therapist will evaluate your child's current and future needs and order the appropriate specialized stroller. Some families prefer using larger regular strollers or a combination depending on the outing. There are lots of options available. Other families are always happy to share what worked for them. Contact the office for details.


Bath Chair

A bath chair is used in the bathtub or shower to make bathing safe and comfortable for you and your child. Your child's physical therapist will evaluate your child's current and future needs and order the appropriate bath chair. Some families use a Hoyer Lift to assist getting larger children safely in and out of the bathtub. Discuss this option with your physical therapist.
