Leading the worldwide fight to treat and cure
Tay-Sachs, Canavan, GM1 and Sandhoff diseases

Research We Fund

Our families' daily struggles drive us to extend our leadership in and financial support of the research that will ultimately lead to a cure. Now more than ever, the potential exists to advance science toward effective treatments.

Funding Innovative Research

NTSAD launched its Research Initiative in 2002 to focus on funding promising innovative research for neurodegenerative diseases that affect the central nervous system. We fund promising research that may lead to major grant support and programs that will hopefully lead to clinical trials. 


NTSAD's grants are sometimes made in collaboration with partners such as the NIH and other patient advocacy groups for the allied diseases.

These grants went on to receive over $10 million in funding through NIH!

Advanced Research

The Tay-Sachs Gene Therapy Consortium is the most advanced research program and holds tremendous potential as they get closer to initiating a human clinical trial.

We can only fund research with the generous financial support of our families, affiliates and chapters. We encourage you to support this research by making a gift.

Past Grants

Read about the braod array of research grants NTSAD has funded.

2016 Research Initiative Grants

2015 Research Initiative Grants

2014 Research Initiative Grant

2012-2013 Research Initiative Grants

2011 Research Initiative Grants

2010 Research Initiative Grants

2009-2002 Grants
