Leading the worldwide fight to treat and cure
Tay-Sachs, Canavan, GM1 and Sandhoff diseases

Mollie Margolis Fund

Mollie Margolis Fund is a restricted fund within NTSAD.

It was established by Meredith and Jim Margolis in memory of their daughter, Mollie. Mollie passed away frm Tay-Sachs in 1991.

The Fund supports family services and the annual family conference.




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Emily Lynn Jones Memorial Fund

The Emily Lynn Jones Memorial Fund is a restricted fund within NTSAD. 

It was established by Emily's grandparents, Barbara and Robert Porter. Emily passed away in 2001 from Tay-Sachs.

This fund has generously supported and continues to support NTSAD's family services program including the annual family conference.



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Harry Hoffman Fund

The Harry Hoffman Fund is a restricted fund within NTSAD. It was established by Sharon and Steven Hoffman in memory of their son, Harry, who lost his battle with Tay-Sachs before his third birthday. Harry battled the consequences of his condition every day. The fund is dedicated to ensuring that someday all children will be born healthy and can grow and play in a world free of genetic disease. The fund supports research, education, prevention and family support services for Tay-Sachs and the allied diseases.

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Donations by Mail or Phone:
(617) 277-4463
Checks payable to NTSAD
2001 Beacon Street, Suite 204
Boston, MA 02135

To set up annual recurring donations, please contact us at (617) 277-4463.

Evan Lee Ungerleider Fund

The Evan Lee Ungerleider Fund is a restricted fund within NTSAD. The fund was established by Shari and Jeff Ungerleider in honor of their son, Evan, who succumbed to Tay-Sachs disease when he was four years old.

Throughout his life and in his memory, the fund's goal is to raise money for research, education, carrier testing, and family support services. It is hoped these efforts will help prevent the tragedy of Tay-Sachs and allied genetic diseases in other families.

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Support NTSAD's Annual Fund

Your generosity represents hope. Give today. 

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Tay-Sachs, Canavan, Sandhoff, GM1 and related genetic diseases rob families and their loved ones of a bright and healthy future. By making a gift today, you give them hope. No matter where they live or what language they speak.

  • We empower families faced with enormous challenges by giving them invaluable resources and connections to lead fuller lives.
  • We directly fund ground-breaking research that will now encompass a focus on clinical trial readiness as we move closer to treatments.
  • We continue to promote the importance of accurate carrier screening through education and awareness worldwide.

Reach out and make a gift to NTSAD today to give families the security knowing they are not alone - whether they are in Washington State or living in a suburb of a bustling city in India.

It will forever be appreciated. 

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