Leading the worldwide fight to treat and cure
Tay-Sachs, Canavan, GM1 and Sandhoff diseases

Special Equipment

Equipment for
Tay-Sachs, Sandhoff, GM1, Canavan and related diseases

Not every child will need / use all the equipment listed below. These are options available to you to help manage the symptoms and promote comfort but may not fit into your family's Philosophy of Care.

Select a category to view photographs and descriptions.

Respiratory Equipment

Suction Machine - for secretions
Nebulizer - for delivery of medication
Vest® System - to clear airways
Cough Assist - for secretions
Oxygen Concentrator & Portable Tanks - for therapeutic oxygen

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Positioning Equipment

Tumble Forms - soft foam support
Stander - an adjustable standing aid
Hospital bed
Specialized Stroller - providing more support options
Bath Chair - for safety

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Other Equipment

Pulse Oximeter - to monitor oxygen levels
Apnea Monitor - to measures how well your child breathes while sleeping
Feeding Pump (if using g-tube) - to deliver formula or liquid

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